legal notice
The website (hereinafter referred to as "the Site") is published by the Firm RIBEROLLES registered under the number Siret 48100598100032, whose office is located 34 rue du Général Delestraint in Paris 75016.
director of publication
The publication director is Mathieu RIBEROLLES, Lawyer. He can be contacted by :
telephone: (+33) 1 40 54 77 99
fax: (+33) 1 40 54 78 80
email :
postal address : Cabinet RIBEROLLES, 34 rue du Général Delestraint, 75016 Paris
designer and developer of the site
The site has been designed and created by hortense rossignol graphisme, a graphic design company registered under number 8311398600000017, whose office is located 16 rue des Arènes à Angers.
The Site is hosted by OVH, a SAS with a capital of 10,000 euros, registered with the Roubaix R.C.S. under number 424 761 419 and whose office is located 2 rue Kellerman in Roubaix (59100).
Wix, located in San Francisco, USA, is responsible for the hosting.
The user of the Site acknowledges having read this legal notice and privacy policy and undertakes to comply with it.
The Firm RIBEROLLES undertakes to do its best to ensure that users have access to the Site at all times and to provide reliable information. In the event of an error or anomaly encountered by the user, the latter may send an e-mail to the following address:
Under no circumstances may the Firm RIBEROLLES be held liable for any errors encountered or for the inaccessibility of the Site.
The data on this Site is provided for information purposes only. It is subject to change.
data Privacy Policy
The Data Privacy Policy of the Site is adopted in accordance with Articles 13 and 14 of the European General Data Protection Regulation (2016/679) and Article 32 of the Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978.
nature of the data collected
In the context of the operation of the Site, the Firm may collect the following data :
surname and first name
e-mail address
telephone number
IP address
purpose of the processing operations
In the context of the operation of the Site, the purpose of the processing of personal data is to manage customers, personalised solicitation, loyalty operations, preparation of statistics, management of requests for the right of access, rectification and opposition and management of people's opinions on the Firm. More generally, when processing a case, whether it is a legal, judicial or arbitration case, the Firm pays particular attention to the integrity of your data for the purpose of protecting your privacy, in line with its ethical obligations.
user’s rights
Any individual concerned (data subject) has the right to obtain access to and rectification of his or her personal data. Data subjects may also, under certain circumstances, ask to have these data blocked or erased if they consider them to have been unlawfully processed. Finally, they have the right to object, on compelling grounds, to the processing of their data.
All these rights can be exercised by contacting the Firm, by sending an e-mail to the following address: If you consider that your data has not been protected, you also have the right to file a complaint before the CNIL.
communication of personal data to third parties
On the basis of legal obligations, your personal data may be disclosed pursuant to a law, regulation or decision of a competent authority. The Firm undertakes to comply with all legal rules that may prevent, limit or regulate the dissemination of information or data.
data retention period
Your data is processed and stored by the Firm as soon as you contact us, including for the preparation of an estimate or when making an appointment. It is not kept beyond the time necessary to achieve the purposes described in this Policy.
data transfer outside the European Union
The Firm undertakes to comply with the applicable regulations relating to data transfer to foreign countries offering an equivalent level of protection, and to obtain authorisation from the CNIL to carry out such transfers in countries which do not have such a level of protection.
data security
The Firm implements all appropriate procedure through physical and logistical security measures in order to guarantee a level of security adapted to the risks of accidental, unauthorised or illegal access, disclosure, alteration, loss or destruction of your personal data.
For any request concerning the data protection policy of the Site, and to exercise your rights, you can contact the firm at
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All the photographs on the Site have been taken by Hortense Rossignol graphisme except for the portraits of Mr. Riberolles and Mrs. Ouaknine on the lawyers page which were taken by Mr. Lionel Koretzky.
intellectual property rights
Every element composing this website (texts, photographs, logos, software, etc.) constitutes an intellectual work protected by Articles L. 111-1 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code.
Consequently, without the prior and express authorisation of its author, any reproduction or representation, in whole or in part, of this website, by any means and on any medium whatsoever, is unlawful.
modification of the legal notice and privacy policy
The Firm reserves the right to modify and update this legal notice and privacy policy at any time and without notice.
The user is therefore invited to consult it regularly.